Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A pile here...

a pile there.  I am in the midst of my "fall cleaning."  I do not like to clean, well, except the usual things.  It just seems as if things pile up easily.  To my defense, I have a small place and a lot of things.  So, every Fall and Spring, I try and de-clutter.  You know how this goes, you move one pile of things to another pile.  The first place looks great, but, here it is somewhere else.  This time, I am going to try another tactic.  I am going to give or throw away at least 40%.  I can't quite make it to 50%, too terrifying!  The other thing I thought I would do is de-clutter my mind and thoughts.  For some reason, the thought of getting rid of 50% of that garbage seems less daunting.  We hold on to lots of stuff, I guess it is security to me, but I am about to step into the abyss and try something new.  The mind stuff is already working, I dumped a lot and I feel better.  Now back to the "stuff stuff."  Make a ripple, clean and clear, see what happens.

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