Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, March 29, 2014

One more degree...

When I got up this morning, I only turned the heat up one degree.  That sounds weird on many fronts. First, I have to turn it on for Catboy , who patiently sits by the vent, waiting for it. Second, I want to warm up the house just a little from the night.  It is strange what that one degree does for us both and it tells me that it just takes a tiny bit more effort to work my way in to Spring.  It was a hard winter, and my movement has been slow. This brings up my favorite subject, patience.  The older I get, the more I need to work on this wonderful virtue. We are not taught to be patient.  That is sad, because, if nothing else, patience causes us to be in the moment, and that's where we should be, appreciating every breath.  Make a ripple, settle down, see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

patience also carries us from one moment to the next! But you are right, we are constantly running through life hurrying up to wait. Be patient, enjoy the ride.