Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, March 3, 2014

Money wins every time

Depending on who you are and what you have experienced, this makes you feel great or miserable.  I was visiting with my dear chiropractor recently, and we were discussing the resolution of the bill vetoed in Arizona this week.  It is  shameful and disgusting that 9 other states were on the same track to try and desecrate human rights, however it appears that evil money might try to do it's awful deeds, but money aligned with goodness always seems to triumph in the end! That is the good news.  The better news would be if these people who waste their time on meanness would find a new hobby.  Make a ripple, "be the change you want to see!" see what happens. (Computer glitch, sorry!)waste their time and money on meannesbe the change you want to se

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