Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hanging by a thread

A very dear, and long time friend of mine is having surgery as we speak.  She has already had one of those years we never want to have and she is scared.  We all would be, having to go under the knife.  What I reminded her was that she had been strong enough to weather the last year.  Sometimes we do not give ourselves credit for all that we have done.  The other thing I told her is that she might be hanging by a thread, but the thread is made of silk, the strongest fabric I know.  Let's hold each-other in the light, for we face some hard times, but let's also know that the darkness cannot get into the light, and we all have a silk thread.  Make a ripple, find your strength, see what happens.