Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Entitlement Mentality

There's something I have been noticing for a while now.  It is the lack of manners and courtesy which seem to be so prevalent. I can remember growing up and manners were as important as a good education.  Now, manners are used infrequently, and no one wants to fund education.  What happened?  I was wondering to myself as I drove home from errands yesterday.  Someone in a big new truck almost ran me over as I tried to cross the lot, but the worst part of it was they almost ran over a father and small child, too.  Do we have so much on our minds that we simply don't pay attention?  Do we think our time is so much more important? Or do we not care anymore.  I won't say I am not guilty of being discourtious occasionally, but I try hard not to be. This is a sad trend when I am surprised when someone actually has manners. Make a ripple, think of other's, see what happens.

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