Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, March 21, 2014

Beauty and the ...leaves

I was out in my yard yesterday.  It always amazes me how those tender little shoots of new life manage to make their way through the mounds of rotting leaves left from the fall.  I don't know why I end up with these mounds every year, I just seem to poop out on my last lawn raking session before the weather turns.  My point here is this: there is always beauty hiding underneath the "rotting leaves," and it is strong enough to make it's way out.  So, I will remove the rotting leaves, to be used for compost, uncover more beauty, prune and weed, and plant more beauty and relish in the fact that what dies, always gives way to what lives. Make a ripple, dig it out! See what happens.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the idea of looking at what's underneath and finding the beauty. It takes hard work and in all things with a little hard work there is a treasure to behold