Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pulling Threads

I loved my mom with all my heart. She made sure I had everything I needed, love, curiosity about life, appreciation of art and music, and an excellent education.  She modeled kindness and sensitivity and unfortunately she was a bigot.  She died young and I wonder if that poison killed her.  Fortunately, this feeling of hers propelled me in the opposite direction.  We never spoke of it.  The truth is, we are all part of a beautiful tapestry. Each one a unique, glorious, and irreplaceable thread.  Pull even one out and it diminishes and weakens our fabric.  Looking at our world, we can see what happens as threads are pulled.  It saddens me to think anyone could feel good about doing this.  I want to believe if my mom were alive today, her mind would be changed.  Make a ripple, honor all diversity, see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My favorite post thus far.