Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The possibilities are endless

I've had many cars in my life. I'm not sure why. They have ranged from a Cadillac to a V W Beetle.  Each one had it's own unique qualities.  I loved the Cadillac because of it's roomy luxury and even back then, everything was electric!  Not too long after that, I got a red Bug.  The gas mileage was amazing, and I could park it on a dime.  I hated to give up the Cadillac, but we got into a wreck and it was gone.  Luckily, we weren't hurt badly. My point is that we are given lots of situations in our lives.  They might look different, but they all provide us with the opportunity to find the lesson and goodness in them, to stretch and grow.  Make a ripple, reach for the stars, see what happens.

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