Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's the distance that keeps us apart?

My dear friend who just came back from Hawaii, was feeling sad because she missed her new friends.  But she has discovered that they are still her friends and she can talk to them every day via text. Our perspective can cause us to see only one side of a story. We can be sad (now) because of a situation, or we can choose to be happy we had it and make the best of it.  She realizes she has these friends for a lifetime.  Make a ripple, check your perspective, see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We live in a wonderous(not sure if this is actually a word) time, indeed! My youngest son moved to the other side of the state yesterday. Sending him off, I was a blubbering mess. But he ever so gently whispered in my ear, "Mama, it'll be alright, we can skype anytime you want to see me. Just call me and I'll be right there in front of you." I can't reach out and touch him, but we live in a wonderous time.