Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, December 14, 2013


A dear friend of mine is applying for a permanent position in our local school district.  I'm not mentioning any names but our superintendent of the school district interviews all the people they are interested in hiring, herself.  Talk about hands on!  There are many reasons our educational system is broken from lack of funding, and lack of funding (repetition is intentional) to ignorance of what these dedicated people do for our kids.  But, here she is, the shining light! There's this thing called 'modeling behavior.' What can you model?  Make a ripple, find your runway, see what happens.


Unknown said...

Love this! We, as a society, do indeed need more (role) models! Kudos to her!

Unknown said...

I would love to see other's take a page from her book.