Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, December 23, 2013

She had to get sick to get well

A friend who's as close as a sister once told me something about her life.  It had been hard and to make matters worse, she was quite unhappy for most of it.  It wasn't that she didn't try to be happy, it was just something she never quite attained.  Then, one day, not long ago, she hadn't been feeling well and went to the doctor. Sure enough, she had something wrong.  The good news was that it was a manageable disease, the bad was that it couldn't be cured.  After the initial shock, months down the road, and going through the "pissed off" and "why me?" stage things began to change.  Her spirit softened and she decided to turn toward happiness.  WOW! It worked!  She is now happier than she has ever been.  She is doing something she loves to do, helping other's. She won't go back to that dark place, at least not for long.  Make a ripple, change your mind, see what happens.

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