Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Children as an investment, what a novel idea!

We live in a less than ideal situation at the moment. The middle class is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking. We are forced to do more with less,more work, more jobs, more time away from family, more worries. Many people have given up altogether on the idea of retiring. We try to put away money, but what money do we put away?  There is, however, an investment we must make, no matter what, and that is in our children.  Maybe it is spending time with them at dinner which improves relationship and overall success, including school. Maybe we could just talk to them more, and hug them even if they say "ugh," or "Oh, Mom (Dad)." Something has to give because they are a precious resource!  Make a ripple, say"I love you," see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And it's never too late to give them advice. So often we only tell our daughters this, but young men need to heed to this just as much:

Don't ever let a woman tell you you're less than what you are, because what you both are is MAGNIFICENT. I am not saying this because I'm your mom and it's what moms are "supposed" to say. I am telling you this because I am your Mom and I KNOW you! You are both magnificent people.