Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Be patient...and hurry up!

Here is a lesson we are given every day.  How do we reconcile these two things?  Actually, this has been one of my life motto's, and a life long lesson.  Being patient is not something our world reinforces, for the most part, hurrying up, well.... I was watching my favorite basketball team recently.  These people are so fun and good at what they do. However, their success rides of the pace of the game.  Last week, the other team decided to slow down the pace considerably. Guess what, my team lost.  Hmmm. It made me look at how my pace affects my life.  When I hustle, I do O K usually. There is a sport saying, "don't hurry, but be quick." I think I can be quick, but also pay attention, that is when I do better.  There is only so much time in a day, so this year I will continue to work on time management, breathing, and smiling.  Make a ripple, find your own pace, see what happens. 

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