Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, November 16, 2015

The past

is just that, the past. We can carry it around like a heavy weight around our neck, affecting virtually everything in our lives, or decide it is the PAST and we can take the lesson from it and discard the rest.  We all know what happens when we decide to keep the past with us, nothing good!  Guilt, remorse, and the fact that it colors things black, are what we are inviting into our lives if we choose to hold on to mistakes we have made.  That is no way to live.  There are ways to let this loose. The most important thing is to forgive ourselves.  Then, re-write the story in the way that would benefit us, the way we wanted things to happen.  When we dwell on that instead of the darkness, we will set ourselves free.  Isn't that the way we were meant to be?

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