Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Be mindful of

the  EYE!  I live in one of the states that had the big windstorms this week.. It took power from hundreds of thousands of people all over our state.  Cold, dark, nothingness is still covering many places, and I feel for them.  One year when my daughter was young, our furnace went out.  It was in January, one of our coldest months.  I remember it as if it were yesterday.  Not Fun.  We had no  money to fix it for several weeks.  BURRRRRRR!  The only thing that happened to us in this particular storm, aside from yards that looked hurricanish, was our cable went out.  It continues to be out, leaving us with NO EYE TO SIT IN FRONT OF!!!!! At first, it pissed me off.  How will I ever live without my soaps and cooking shows?  How will I miss NAT GEO?  What about Pit bulls and Parolees?!!!  OMG!  What I am learning, slowly and reluctantly, is that I can converse with my daughter!  We can play games together.  C@boy gets his quiet room back to sleep and not be disturbed.  Hmmm... More time to do real things like read.  No awful news. I even seem to want to eat less!  Don't think too many more days will go by until I get these "wonders" fixed, but I will really think before I turn them on for hours and hours and turn back  into "couch potato extraordinare!"

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