Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, February 15, 2015

There is peace...

in solitude.  We have been having a sort of "pseudo"  spring.  It gives me energy, and makes me want to get out there and do lots of stuff in the yard.  But today, we are in this pea-soup fog and it is somehow comforting.  It is telling me to just enjoy the quiet and be with my thoughts.  It's funny how we move around, rushing from one hectic thing to the next.  The T.V. is on and there is so much noise.  That contrast is so evident when we just sit and be.  It feels so good to just have the peace and quiet.  My soul feels soothed just observing and being in the quiet.  So for today, I am suggesting we all take the time to sit in the silence and JUST BE.  It will be worth it, I promise!

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