Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I'm sore

but I love it (sorta!)  I am not a winter person.  The fact is that I do not really like any type of extremes (except my own.)  So, in the winter, I hibernate.  I use the time to wrap up in a blanket, read, write, watch the eye, BUT NOT MUCH exercising goes on.  Once in a while, my dear friend Janet drags me out for a walk in the woods.  I don't mind that!  But, here comes spring and I am "ell bent" on getting into shape to garden.  I started in earnest about a week ago, walking around a park I love.  Now I have added this exercise machine which was buried in the basement.  You know how it goes, you exercise so hard because it feels good, and the next day, you wonder how you will walk or even type your post.  Well, that's me, but I am glad to be sore.  It's funny, I exercise my brain all year long with "Sudoku" and various word and number games, although that is really fun for me.  Now, I have decided to treat my body like I treat my brain for a change.  What kind of shape are your brain and body in?  We could be sore, together!

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