Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Can you spell O C D ?!

I don't know about you, but I have shining moments and a few O C D ones.  I just found out that my favorite coffee is not going to be sold in the store anymore, is being scalped online for a price that would make your jaw drop to the floor, and is being sold by the company in a smaller package, for 3 times what I have been paying for it!  CRAP!  I am, unfortunately addicted to my chocolate coffee!  It is one of the joys of my life!  Luckily, I have been hoarding packages of it for a while, but I only have a 3 MONTH SUPPLY!  ARGH!!!!!!  Yes, I know it is ONLY COFFEE... but....  I have even gone around the city trying to scout out if they have sold all they had... Like I said, O C D!  Well, I am happy to tell you that they started making the chocolate coffee I drank b/4 I got this one.  It is 2X as much, but about a 8 out of 10.  I just needed to chill and know that something else would turn up.  IT ALWAYS DOES!!!!!!! 

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