Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, February 27, 2015

Preventive Maintenance

It's not just for your car!  When I was younger, I lived with wild abandon.  Part of it was my family situation, I had a mother who worked 60 hours a week and a dad who lived in a different state.  My mom, who did the best she could, would plop down after work and just want quiet, she was pooped.  I am grateful for the love she gave me, but I missed out on some important stuff, like learning how to take care of myself.  Fast forward, many years later. Guess who has some things to deal with because I did not take very good care of myself. There are two points here:  One point is to learn to take care of yourself when you are young somehow, the second, is that it is never to late to start.  The problem with starting late is then you have things to deal with that you could have avoided altogether.

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