Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rumble, crumble, boo...m

In Oklahoma, this week, there were 94 measurable earthquakes in just 3 days!  That averages out to 31 earthquakes a day!  Why, you ask could this possibly be happening?  The answer could very possibly be the amount of fracking going on in that state.  Fracking involves" injecting a combination of water, sand, and chemical additives under the earth to fracture the rock formations and release oil and gas."  It has been known to contaminate surface and ground water (that's what you drink, and bathe in)  and adversely affect air quality.  Will we ever decide that the quality of human life is worth more than the almighty dollar?  What ever happened to wind and solar as forms of energy? What are we willing to do?  The least we can do is become informed and speak up!  Make a ripple, love Mother Earth, see what happens.


Unknown said...

It not only affects drinking water, but also the Saline water used in hospitals and infusion centers all across the country, and, well, in the whole world! I have to get an infusion every 2 weeks of an enzyme that I am missing that helps my body break down sugar. Afterwards I like to get an extra bag of fluids because some of my pre-meds (like benedryl) dry me up. The last 2 infusions I have had to skip the extra fluids because there is a shortage of SALINE WATER! That's CrAzY!!!

Unknown said...

It's always a good idea to know what is going on in your environment