Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let me get this straight...

People who have worked for years are now unemployed, yet you do not want to extend their unemployment.  What happened to the "Jobs Bill?"  Our infrastructure is crumbling and that is a huge safety hazard to everyone, and yet you do not want to work on it, knowing that it would create many needed jobs.  No-one can live on the minimum wage, and and yet you continue to oppose raising it (people could live on it and get off the "social programs" you hate so much!)  You work so few days a month, it would shock people to know , and yet you have all the good perks and a six -figure salary. Yes, I am angry!  And I want others' to get angry too, and do something about this travesty!  Make a ripple, vote for someone who will truly represent you, see what happens.vote for someome who will truly represent you!, 

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