Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tails of survival....

and more.  Last year, while visiting with friends in the middle of the street, we saw a pair of squirrels running up and down our trees chasing each other at a mad pace.  We were mesmerized just watching them and their amazing speed.  All of a sudden, they both dropped out of the tree, thud, right in front of us.  We stood there watching for a few minutes, then, I went into my house to get the shovel so they wouldn't be run over.  Just as I was about to leave, they both jumped up and ran off.  Whew!  Then, the other day, a family's beloved cat got hit by a car.  They sadly removed it and took it in the back yard and buried it.  A couple of days later, the cat was at the back door, meowing at them.  It was the same breed of cat as Catboy!  A tiny seed escaped from the bird feeder and has been sitting under all this snow and mud, recently I notice this piece of millet is sprouting!  My point is this.  We all have the capacity to survive most anything and we can't forget it! 

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