Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Sticks and stones

may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."  This is something my mom taught me from the time I was very young.  Well, she was wrong.  Once someone has said something awful to you, it sticks.  Some people say they are able to just shake it off.  I wish I were one of them.  I am not.  It does reinforce, to me, that we must be very careful of what we say to people when we are mad, or sick, or both.  It is a lesson that is hard to learn, but one that MUST be learned.  We never know when someone will take it to heart, despite the fact that "you really didn't mean it," and you don't even remember what you said. So the next time I feel like blowing my stack at someone I care about, I will go into another room and stomp my feet, or pound my pillow, or go for a walk because the other person being hurt might never get over it.  Lesson learned!

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