Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, January 10, 2015

In the silence

I went for an early morning walk today.  It was cold and a little foggy, but so quiet and still.  For once, there was little on my mind and I just listened and felt the air,and looked at the trees.  It was so peaceful. On my way back, freezing rain started to fall.  My first instinct was to be upset by it, but the more I heard and saw what was falling, the more fascinated I became. I don't really listen sometimes, or really see and be in what is happening.  This was such a beautiful moment.  So for today, I am going to look, and see, listen and hear, and just be whenever I can.  It makes me calm.  We could certainly use more of that!  Try it!

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