Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, November 29, 2013

Judge Judy and moi

One of my guilty pleasures is to occasionally watch Judge Judy. Her acerbic tongue, along with the crazy situations just seem to draw me in.  Just so you know, it also gives me pleasure when I am able to turn it off before it is over. HOWEVER ....I have had an opinion of Judge Judy for a while.  Then, one day, I was watching her being interviewed.  She is insightful, kind, funny, a happy wife, mother and grandmother. If I just went by her personality on her show, her career, profession, I might have a really different view of her. Unlike Judge Judy, my profession is not to judge. I struggle with judgement constantly. It seems like most of the judgement is toward myself. This is not helpful. How can we avoid judgement of anything when we are not kind to ourselves?  One solution would be to wrap our arms around ourselves and look at all our good qualities.  Feeling good causes us to shine.  Make a ripple, shine your light, and see what happens.

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