Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


After yesterday, I have spent most of the day thinking of ways we could make this world a better place.  One of the ways that could help is to get out of our heads.  It seems that what happens there is ego and judgement oriented.  I don't know about you, but my ego just sends me into judgement and I can do no good from there.  What I would like to see, and what works best for me is to just be in the moment, and grateful.  If I am in that frame of mind, my kindness comes out, my compassion for other's comes out, my joy and contentment comes out.  What would happen if we would all try this for even an hour a day.  I firmly believe that energy creates things.  What can we do, ourselves that can change the world?!  Could we start with an hour a day, and build up?  Just a thought.

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