Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ask yourself

Who am I?  What do I stand for?  Am I living in my integrity?  These are questions I ask myself.  It is easy to get off track.  It takes little work to stay in the same old place.  It is hard and often painful to take a good look at what my part is in the dysfunction of my life? The cool thing is that we don't have to put pressure on ourselves.  It has taken a while to get to where we are, so lets give ourselves the time to do something that will allow us to live the life we were meant to.  Everything starts with us.  What changes can we make to allow our ripple to flow out into the world.  WE ARE IN CHARGE, DO WE KNOW THAT?  What kind of life, world do we want to be a part of?  If we start now, what can we create?  It will take ALL OF US to do this?  Are we willing to "be the change we wish to see in the world."

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