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Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, January 8, 2016

A male Perspective: Loon (a migratory bird that displays erratic and unpredictable behavior)

The response to the "loons" who have illegally occupied the Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, has so far been one of indifference by authorities.  These birds are armed and advocate violence against anyone who might try to dislodge them.  They have vowed to stay until their misguided cause is addressed.  They are part of the same terrorizing group who supported the Bundy's  in their refusal to pay over 1 million dollars in grazing fees to the B.L.M.  The federal response was tepid at best.  The case is still unresolved.  Lesson learned!  There will be no consequences for their behavior.  If this group was any other than white wing-nuts, (lets say ANY OTHER RACE) advocating a cause, I fear the response would be swift and violent.  It seems that in THIS Case, the "loons" are a protected species.

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