Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Friday, January 29, 2016
A male perspective: The "NO" show
I find it interesting that the leading Republican candidate for president is not showing up for the latest debate. He claims he was treated unfairly my Megyn Kelly the last time around. Fox, at least, PRETENDS to be a fair and balanced channel. Leaders of Russia, China, Iran, and the Wing Nuts in Congress don't even pretend. What's he going to do then, pack up his bat and ball and go home?! IS THIS THE GUY YOU REALLY WANT TO BE YOUR PRESIDENT LEMMINGS?! Look before you leap!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
One thing at a time
Do you make lists? I do! Sometimes they are as long as my arm. Then I get overwhelmed and......Yup, you guessed it. I put the list away. The problem is that a lot of stuff doesn't get done. HRUMPH! So, for the time being, I am making my list, in order of importance and suggesting to myself that I do several things on the list every day. Guess what! It is not so intimidating, and I am moving forward. Fear and apathy do not seem to be feelings that propel my life in any way. I can live only one second at a time. I can only live one minute at a time, so what can I do in that minute? I can live in gratitude for what I have and am, and move forward in my life toward more joy. Want to join me?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Ask yourself
Who am I? What do I stand for? Am I living in my integrity? These are questions I ask myself. It is easy to get off track. It takes little work to stay in the same old place. It is hard and often painful to take a good look at what my part is in the dysfunction of my life? The cool thing is that we don't have to put pressure on ourselves. It has taken a while to get to where we are, so lets give ourselves the time to do something that will allow us to live the life we were meant to. Everything starts with us. What changes can we make to allow our ripple to flow out into the world. WE ARE IN CHARGE, DO WE KNOW THAT? What kind of life, world do we want to be a part of? If we start now, what can we create? It will take ALL OF US to do this? Are we willing to "be the change we wish to see in the world."
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
After yesterday, I have spent most of the day thinking of ways we could make this world a better place. One of the ways that could help is to get out of our heads. It seems that what happens there is ego and judgement oriented. I don't know about you, but my ego just sends me into judgement and I can do no good from there. What I would like to see, and what works best for me is to just be in the moment, and grateful. If I am in that frame of mind, my kindness comes out, my compassion for other's comes out, my joy and contentment comes out. What would happen if we would all try this for even an hour a day. I firmly believe that energy creates things. What can we do, ourselves that can change the world?! Could we start with an hour a day, and build up? Just a thought.
Monday, January 25, 2016
I wonder part 2
I wonder about feeding hungry children,and helping seniors who live on fixed incomes. It seems to me that we are all messed up in the way we spend our wealth. Why can't we be the family we truly are. What do these people with all this disposable income do with all that money? Do they sock it away? I don't know the answer. I would hope that all the rest of us would act like humans and do the right thing. Maybe we could set an example. Life is to short to not help our earth family. Something has to change. If people like D. T. get elected, we might as well bend over and kiss our @$^ good bye! Is this the world you are proud to live in??? Me either!
I wonder...
I wonder what would happen if the millions of dollars being spent on political campaigns for candidates who have a snowball's chance in hell would be spent on: Education, Flint Michigan, Infrastructure, feeding and sheltering the homeless, immigration, Education, Medical Insurance, I don't know, ANYTHING THAT WOULD HELP THOSE IN NEED INSTEAD OF THESE EGO-DRIVEN PEOPLE!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Take a moment
to be in the moment today. The old saying that the present is a "present, is true. If we can stay in the moment and live in the moment, it is truly all we have. I have a hard time doing this, so I am talking to myself as much as I am talking to you. But the truth is, it is much easier, once you can do this, to live fully. My wonderful C@boy was in the kitchen sink again this morning. I just stood and watched him drink his water, and purr. Then, I came in and sat in the sunshine. The fact is that if we can stay in the moment, and be grateful, we attract more good things to us. So, for today, and ongoing I am giving my best effort to this process. Join me, together we can affect the energy in the world.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Feeling the love
You must have sent a lot of love our way, because our C@boy seems to be rallying today. He has jumped into the sink 3 times, that is about 4 feet up, and he is doing his business. I am under no delusions that he will be here forever, but he seems much better today, and every day he is here is a gift. We only have today, anyway, so thank you for your loving kindness on his behalf. We are so grateful!
Friday, January 22, 2016
A male perspective: Answers v.s. Solutions
The lemmings came to a fork in the road. One way said "Answers" ( simple in theme, but comfortable) the other said "Solutions" (complicated, inconvenient, uncomfortable choices)
Those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it!
REFERENCE: Caesar, Julius, Hitler, Adolph, and Bush, G.W.
Look before you leap, lemmings!
Those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it!
REFERENCE: Caesar, Julius, Hitler, Adolph, and Bush, G.W.
Look before you leap, lemmings!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Hold him in the light
Our beloved C@boy is having serious health problems. Because of the fact he is nearing 20 years old, I fear he is getting ready to leave us. I am heart broken. Please hold him in the light. He has been part of this blog for the last 4 years and we need your loving energy right now. Thank you.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
When I am scared,
I know I am alive. Don't get me wrong, being scared is not a feeling I have a lot or relish. But what comes with it is change, and most of the time, that is a good thing. There is a Zen saying " LEAP AND THE NET WILL APPEAR" I am about to do that. So come along with me to make 2016 a memorable, full, exciting and rewarding year. I promise it will be a doozie!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
"Here comes the sun..."
I am a person who asks for and believes in signs. Yesterday, I saw that my crocus have broken ground. That means they have been up for a week! That is the earliest I have seen them in years. We also have sun today. I almost didn't recognize it. It will be in and out, today, but it is here. This is the time of year when I have the hardest time. It just seems like things pile up and this year, it is a big pile. But I believe in signs. I also believe we can create goodness out of garbage with our attitude. So, for today, I will celebrate the new life pointing toward Spring, and know that I also will rise into something wonderful. If you are in the same spot, join me, we will handle this!
Monday, January 18, 2016
All I ask...
is that we pause, today, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and reflect on how we are as a people. All I ask is that we look up "compassion" in the dictionary. All I ask is that we realize we all came from the same Maker. All I ask is that we realize "We're all the same when we turn out the lights."
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Open the door
Sometimes we get stuck. We find a routine that is comfortable, and just stay there. That is easy. Close the door, and just chill. Then come the times when we have no choice in the matter. This is the time when we need to open the door to new possibilities. It is scary, and it throws us out of our comfort zone. It makes us question who we are and what we are capable of. It can also be an exciting time, if we let it. Getting out of our comfort zone is a good thing to do. It puts us off balance, and makes us look at things we have been avoiding. If we look at it the right way, it can be the magic thing that propels us into something we never expected, or something we had given up on. That's where I am going at this point. Wish me luck!
Saturday, January 16, 2016
It's all about
the lazy day! It snowed all night, it has snowed all day! My computer has been in a deep sleep. So we took a page. We are still in our bathrobes. It is 2:30 p.m.! We have done, well, not much of anything. Looked outside to comment about all the snow, watched a little t.v., eaten, and taken a nap. What a great way to follow a very stressful week! Now, what should we do next??? Absolutely nothing!
Friday, January 15, 2016
A Duel Perspective: WATCH OUT LEMMINGS!
We are watching with rapt attention as the nation rallies behind Donald Trump for President. PAY ATTENTION, America! Visit "youtube" "Lemmings jumping off the cliff." WAKE THE HELL UP! The cliff is HERE!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The day after...
I know, I know. You can't believe you did not win the Powerball. I have to admit, all my charities will be getting the same amount of money as usual instead of big happy chunks of money. The scholarship I wanted to make in the name of my daughter may not happen any time soon. That newer Suburu Outback will not be parked in front of my house. SIGH... And I am happy for the people who did win, and hope with all my heart they do good and have goodness, themselves with all that new responsibility. What we sometimes forget, is that ANY TIME WE TRY, "WE ARE WINNERS!" Of course this does not just apply to the lottery. So, for today, I am going to remember that any time we try...to better ourselves.....to be kind.....to be open minded....to shine the light, we are "winners!" Go out and treat yourself today, if you can and in whatever way you can and remember that!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
If it sounds to good to be true......
it probably is. I love our president! He is a man of integrity who has worked hard for his country. No one gets everything right, but he sure wanted to. You can't do everything with one hand tied behind your back. It is hard to run a country when one of the parties take a pledge to undermine you at every turn. I don't think that is the way it was meant to work and I heard, last night that this is the most divisive government since the Civil War. Republicans, how in the name of all that is good, can you live with yourselves? You should be ashamed!
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Each day
gives us the chance to start over. Face it, it is easy to step in it. I don't think we TRY to step in it, but we do. That's the reason I sit every night, or when I go to bed, and look over my day. What were the high points? What could I have done better? Did I hurt someone or myself? I believe in reflection. It is just looking at things and wiping the slate clean every day. I know for a fact, that carrying all that dirt around day after day is not good for us emotionally, or physically. We are, after all, flawed humans, hopefully doing the best we can at any moment. Everyone needs to know that and act accordingly. The last thing we need to remember is that forgiveness is for us. Forgiving someone only means that we are letting go of it. It does not condone their behavior.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Cynics... What are they good for?
Absolutely nothing! Recently, President Obama gave a heart rendering speech to the Nation about his actions regarding gun control. During the speech, he expressed heart-felt human emotion about the children who have been killed in so many instances. The "fair and balanced" talking heads at FOX news exposed themselves by their cynical comments about his show of emotion. I find it hard to believe that some people have such a hard time being human.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Where have all the hero's gone? (A duel perspective)
It seems, these days, we might not be able to readily name our hero's. This is a sad fact because their names used to roll off our tongues when we were young. I wonder why this is? Ken Griffy Jr. is "one of the good guys." His numbers speak for themselves, but that is only part of the story. He played hard, never cheated, did not seek attention as so many other "stars" have done. He was a self-effacing all around team player. How often do we see that anymore? I think our world is a better place because of who he is and what he stood for. I would like to see more people like him. Nice guys do not all finish last!
Friday, January 8, 2016
You can't un ring the bell
Communication is a peculiar thing. There are many forms of it, body language, tone of voice, and just the saying of things to people. Years ago, I took a communication class at a local college. It was one of the most interesting classes I have taken, and believe me, I have taken many. One of the first things my professor said was, "Don't forget, you can never un ring the bell." No truer statement has been told. I don't think most of us spend a lot of time thinking about what we say, or how we say it. I don't think we consider our body language, but, most of all, I really don't think we consider other people's filters. All that is a little hard to do. We have a thought, we say it. Wow, can that cause trouble! People hear what comes through their filter. People discern body language by past experiences, and a lot of the time, they just hear what they EXPECT to hear. All of this makes communication really complicated. I recently had an experience where I said something to someone. Somehow, I was not able to give the complete thought. They misconstrued it in the most harsh way. There will be times when this will happen, no matter what, but I know from this experience, I will give much more thought to what I say unless it is "Hi, good morning, or I love you." I don't think anyone could misconstrue these statements.
A male Perspective: Loon (a migratory bird that displays erratic and unpredictable behavior)
The response to the "loons" who have illegally occupied the Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, has so far been one of indifference by authorities. These birds are armed and advocate violence against anyone who might try to dislodge them. They have vowed to stay until their misguided cause is addressed. They are part of the same terrorizing group who supported the Bundy's in their refusal to pay over 1 million dollars in grazing fees to the B.L.M. The federal response was tepid at best. The case is still unresolved. Lesson learned! There will be no consequences for their behavior. If this group was any other than white wing-nuts, (lets say ANY OTHER RACE) advocating a cause, I fear the response would be swift and violent. It seems that in THIS Case, the "loons" are a protected species.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Be willing to say...
"I don't know." Have you ever been to the doctor? When was the last time they said "I don't know." I don't trust people who are not willing to tell me that. After all, we don't know everything. It doesn't matter how smart we are, or how much schooling we have had. I would rather hear "I don't know, but I will try to find an answer for you." Part of the problem we have in this world is that everyone thinks they can't be wrong, or not know something. There is a saying, and it is one of my favorites: "Would you rather be right or happy?!" Think about it and remember we are all humans, and seekers. That is one of our jobs on this earth school.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Life will be better if we
don't judge the future by the past. I know we all have the tendency to look at situations and remember what happened before. I think our brains are built that way so as to protect us. What happens is we continue to create similar situations. I don't know about you, but, there are lots of situations I do not want to create again. It takes some effort to take this new step. We have to learn to be present. Being present is a great present to give ourselves. It entails just staying in the moment. Just... That goes against about everything we have learned, but, it sure takes the stress off things. If we stay in the moment, we are fully committed to our lives. And, really, the moment is all we have anyway.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Don't borrow trouble
Well, I am here to tell you that attitude means everything. The past few days have been somewhat mixed. Things have gone up and down, but I have tried to stay in the middle. Staying in the middle is one of the best things I am learning. It does not create chaos like being mad and sad does. I just stayed neutral. Energy creates things and can send a person to joy or hell. Just letting things flow with the attitude it will all work out works! I think I will use that for my New Year's Resolution. It wasn't that hard to do and knowing it works, I will absolutely do it again! Yeah!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Ode to a good friend
I have no car. What shall I do? Nothing, no running. I can't breathe. I get the phone. Relief fills me as I hear my friend's voice. "Are you home from work?" I ask expectantly. Yes! I am saved! Two tow's later, I am safe in the company of my dear friend. "You saved me! I am no good at asking for help!" "Get over yourself," she says. I will work on that!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
borrow trouble. This month is unexpectedly expensive. My income is always the same. I am worried. Today, there is something wrong with my car that a jump will not fix..... STRESSSSSSSSS! So now I worry. The lesson pointed out to me repeatedly is STRESS AND WORRY DO NOT FIX THINGS. I am at 9 on the Stress-o-meter. Guess I should follow some of my own advice. BREATHE! This is easier for me to tell you to do than to do it myself. Anyway, hold all this stuff in the light with me and I will do so for you as well!
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Day three
Happy New Year! This is the third day in a row that we have had sunshine! I don't like the cooooooold, but it sure is more tolerable when the sun is out! Even the piles of snow look better. It gives me a more positive outlook toward the coming year. Did you make any resolutions? I have failed at so many, I have decided not to set myself up any more. I just want what I always want, for all of us to be loved and loving, healthy in spirit and body, have what we need for a good life, and most of all respect for all our fellow humans. We can all accomplish these things, we just need to step out of fear, and do what we are meant to do in this lifetime. Namaste'
Friday, January 1, 2016
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