Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I had a hard time sleeping last night.  Visions of burning cars and looting were filling my head, along with thoughts of people being physically hurt.  I am  angry at the media for not showing all the people who were protesting peacefully, but I guess violence is the news.  I know that everyone now must know about all the injustice happening around the killings of so many young black males.  The news show enumerated a long list of these horrible acts last night.  We cannot turn our heads and ignore this any longer.  The thing we must know is that all the violence just makes more violence.  It is never the answer.  I also know how hard it is to control yourself when you are angry and scared.  Somehow we must look to people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King for answers to this or their lives will have be lived in vain.  We need to practice the life we want for everyone else to have.  This will not be easy, but it is what has to be!

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