Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Batter up!!

If there is one thing I like better than college basketball, it is BASEBALL!  Actually, I love them both about the same, but the change between the two sports is always refreshing.  If you had told me that I would be watching sports continually during the year when I was young, I would have told you that you were CRA CRA!  But here we are!  I watched some of the Cactus League, but it hardly shows me much.  I just find out how many new player's names I have to learn.  It also lets me know that I will spend more time outside, sometimes with my phone tuned in to the game.  It tells me that it is time to switch gears, get out the scrubber and wash off the rust and get fully involved in life again.  The martial arts start in the park and I am ready to kick some ....  Where is your spring taking you?  Take a deep breath, and get out there.  We'll probably see each other.

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