Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Under the guise

As you probably know, I do not talk about religion.  Today I am making an exception.  What I will say about it is it IMPLIES kindness and concern for all.  So when I started hearing about the "Religious Freedom Act, I thought, great!  Wow! That was a giant mistake!  The reason I seldom if ever talk about religion is in my mind I hear hypocrisy. So many things are done by "religious people."  So many bad things, including this "RFA," are not designed to help people, but to keep people's small minds occupied.  They are to disrupt all the gains we have made in the world with respect to fair treatment of all.  I think I learned when I was young, that a certain someone "loved the little children,  all the children of the world,  red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in HIS sight," ...  Then come the people who discriminate in the name of religion, they kill in the name of religion.  Gee, I wonder why I have such cynicism over all of this. I certainly would rather feel otherwise.  

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