Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, April 17, 2015

Whose fault is it?

I have been thinking lately about finding fault.  I am certainly good at finding it in myself.  Sometimes it even feels good to find it in others.  At least I am not alone in being a flawed human being, right?  Then there is the other side of the coin.  What good does it do to find fault in ourselves, or others?  It probably doesn't change them.  I guess it works for ourselves as long as we are accepting  that certain things need to change, and then make the changes.  But on the whole, I think acceptance is a better way to go.  We are, as you know on this earth school to learn to be better humans.  So the next time I think of "finding fault,"  maybe I will find goodness and celebrate that!

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