Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, June 5, 2015

Today is...

"Let go of the outcome, day." O.K.  Mercury is in retrograde.  If you don't know what that means, look it up.  But if things seem as if they have been going backwards, or sideways lately, and your technology has had a mind of it's own, that might be the reason.  It seems as if all these things I have no control over have piled up into one great heap recently.  At first, I was trying to sort it all out and feeling pretty cranky and a little scared.  Then I realized that I have control over..... So, I gave up on trying, and making myself nuts.  Acceptance is freeing.  Contentment with what I can't fix is soothing.  So, for today, and with a lot of practice, I will learn to "let it be."  It is much healthier that way for all of us. 

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