Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Purrrrrfect Candidate!

I was in deep discussion with C@BOY last night.  We were considering his running for president.  Did you know that about 200 persons have already registered?  We think the criteria is that you have to be good looking, comfortable in your finances, and finally, and the most important, BREATHING!  Guess what, he has all three!  He feels he is also qualified because of his early days, living in the streets, and the fact that he always is just who he is., no pandering.  When he is extremely irritated, he gives me a good swat, when he is just "done," he hides under the bed.  He is a good communicator.  You  always know that he is "saying what he means, and meaning what he says!"  Well, if that doesn't speak of a great candidate, I don't know what does!  Now, to fill out that pesky form.  His writing is a little "scratchy."

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