Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, June 29, 2015

Can you spell...

M E L T I N G!  I will never get used to this much heat.  It makes me feel like a wet rag.  I have fans all over the house, but the temperature in the house doesn't vary much from morning to night.  Hot, Hot, Hot!  No, I don't have air conditioning.  I am sure there are more of us who are in the same situation.  All I can say is Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.  Most of my fans are directed at C@boy.  He nearly sits on them.  He asks that you check yourself and your pets for dehydration.  On a pet, you can tell if the scruff of the neck goes down quickly when pinched. This means they are likely hydrated.  I check several times a day.  On yourself, pinch the top of your hand and if it goes down quickly, you are likely O.K. So, check yourself and loved ones frequently!  It takes little time or exertion to become dehydrated.  One of the things that happens is a headache, or worse, your blood pressure will go up.  You do not want to end up in the emergency room!  Long waits, and lots of needles.  So become best friends with water!  It is a good habit to have, anyway! 

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