Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What you see...

is what you get.  How many times have we heard that saying?  Maybe not so much lately.  I heard it all the time when I was younger.  I ignored it and lumped it in to all the other ones I heard.  But, as it turns out, it is true!  What we can picture in our heads can come to fruition.  What we feel in our hearts, the same.  We can create heaven or hell in our lives just by our thought process.  Think about it.  Usually what we think about most shows up.  I have learned, through hard experiences, this is so true.  I have created some real messes with my thoughts.  So, for today, and maybe longer, be careful where your mind goes, unless it is a wonderful place where you want to be.  Happy thinking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa, I love this one. Enjoyed your blog today.