Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tend your garden

Yesterday was a fairly nice day.  We all know how spring is, one step forward (warm), one step back (cold, rainy)  So about two weeks ago, we had several nice days in a row and I was out there with my shovel and pitchfork digging until I dropped.  Two of my raised beds were cleaned out within an inch of their lives.  Then came the cold and the wind and the rain.  A funny thing happens when you aren't out there with your shovel, all sorts of things seem to re-appear in those beds.  Yesterday was nice, so I went out to assess the damage.  Fortunately, there were only 3 things that had made their way back.  There were new raspberry plants, :) there were new catnip plants, ;) and there were new thistle plants ;(  So, I dug and dug, cussing the thistle plants, because they throw out deep runners and you can't get them out completely. Then, I dug out all the catnip plants and transplanted them out of respect for Catboy.  I did the same with the raspberries, out of respect for me.  It's funny, my garden is like my life.  As much as I hate the thistles, they are tenacious and remind me of what I don't want. The catnip plants show me how if I throw down really good roots, nothing can crush me, and the raspberries just taste good and are great to share. Make a ripple, find the lesson in everything, see what happens.


kathygreer48@gmail.com said...

Love this story!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that we all have to be tenacious in digging out the things that we don't want in our lives and nurture those attributes that we so want in our lives.