Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

She said...he heard(?)

We all know how important communication is.  In fact, it was one of my most interesting and challenging courses in college.  So when I asked a friend to help me with my rock garden with rather large rocks in it, I told him I would pay him for his trouble, and also that I wanted the rocks put back in the same formation.  Sounds simple enough, I thought and went about my way, working on some other project.  An hour later, he was done and wanted me to come look at his work.  You can probably guess the outcome... He had re-arranged the rocks in a nice little oval.  It looked like crap.  It wasn't at all what I had asked for.  Well, he said, he liked it better this way and he wasn't about to fix it. Some one didn't get paid! Two things: Make sure you ask for what you want, and make sure you get it!  Make a ripple, speak up, see what happens. 

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