Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The season of forgiveness

I was out in my back yard working, yesterday.  It was one of the few days we have had to do that.  I must admit, working outside is one of my most favorite things, much better than anything inside. HA! You must know by now how I feel about Spring.  To me, it is the season of forgiveness.  All the messes I left before hibernating, are waiting patiently to be cleaned up with a wonderful reward, and best of all, no judgement for what I left before.  It makes me wonder if I shouldn't carry Spring in my heart all year long just to let me know that whatever messes I have made will always be forgiven. And with just a little work, I can make something beautiful which once was not so beautiful.  Make a ripple, carry the thought, see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spring is joyous, indeed!