Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I'm pooped, you're pooped

The wind is howling outside, and I was sure that big fir tree next to my bedroom was about to .... well, you get the picture.  We are fortunate today to escape snow,( although we are slated to get 2-4 more inches tomorrow) but it is going to be about -15 with the windchill factor! I know not all of you are experiencing all this, and some have it worse, but it is March 1 and we should be mindlessly raking the remaining leaves to find all our crocuses awaiting.  The winter is a great time to spend doing "mind cleaning."  I , for one, can take just so much of that. Then I want to get out in the sunshine and work up a sweat!  Mother Nature, however, has other ideas, so I guess we get to take another "patience pill" and soldier on. I will also get out my seed catalogues, and  garden-planning papers in hopes that it will become a reality!  I hear they are still digging out "Puxsutawney Phil!"  Make a ripple, clear out your mind, see what happens.

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