Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


You will be pleased to know that January 6 is the day of the year people are least likely to want to get out of bed.  I went with that feeling and didn't leave my house all day.  It felt good.  But now it's January 7, and we're energized and ready to go again (?)  I am fortunate not to be living in the "wintermagedon" that is in the central and eastern US.  So, I am thankful for that!  Soon, I will be out in the yard looking under the frozen leaves for the gutsy, strong, perennial crocuses who lift me up with the promise of spring...at some point.  Get your seed catalogue out! We have a way to go yet, but it's coming.  Make a ripple, find the grow light, see what happens.

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