one is silver and the other gold." At the grocery yesterday, I ran into a former colleague and friend who I hadn't seen for a couple of years. I had forgotten what a happy, engaged person he was. What a treat to catch up! If we are lucky we will run into a friend whose eyes twinkle because they are such a happy person. And if we are really fortunate, we will learn to carry that joy into our own lives. Make a ripple, celebrate your life, see what happens!
Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
What are we willing to do?
Last night I was watching a story about a man who cut off his arm to escape from a mountain and save his own life. It made me wonder how committed I am to doing what I feel is important. We may not have to do something as extreme, but knowing what another human has done might strengthen our resolve to make sure we do whatever we can to continue to change the world for the better, every day. Make a ripple, honor your strength, see what happens.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
"it totally wicks!"
So I was talking to a friend about polyester. I don't necessarily like it. I prefer bamboo, silk, or cotton. However, the thing polyester does (besides not wrinkle) hmmm.. polyester skin(!) Anyway, it wicks moisture away from the body so you don't get cold. Then I started thinking, what wicks sadness and frustration away from my mind? Joy, peace, friends, good food, exercise and sleep all seem to work! Make a ripple, choose from the above list, see what happens.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Where's your brilliance?
There is no doubt in my mind that each one of us contains a bright shining gift. I think mine is writing. It makes me euphoric to get up every morning and write these posts. It is my passion and my brain is overflowing every minute of the day. It makes me feel alive and worthwhile. We all have this, each and every one of us! Make a ripple, twinkle brightly, see what happens.
Monday, January 27, 2014
"It's always something..."
Years ago, on Saturday Night Live, there was an actress named Gilda Radner. She played a character named Rosanna Rosannadanna. She was goofy and scattered with frousy hair that stuck out all over and a voice that could remove nail polish. She was sooooo funny she made me laugh til my guts hurt, and she was soooo brilliant. My rambling point is she always said, "It's always something... and she was and is right! Sometimes it feels like we step from one pile of poop to another. Her brilliance laid in the fact that she came at everything with humor! Make a ripple, smile as you scrape your shoe, see what happens.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
I have four wonderful friends who have had quite a year. One got cancer. (she is now successfully beating it), two of them had 3 of the 4 top stresses that can break you completely, and the other has had so much financial crap, it is unbelievable! I love them all so much! What they have in common is the ability to stand up each time they get knocked down. They are smart enough to ask for help when they need it, and strong enough to endure what ever it takes. I am so fortunate to have these people around me. I honor them every day! Make a ripple, learn to bounce back, see what happens.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
What's the BEST thing that could happen?
We've all heard the opposite saying, and we can learn from that, but what if we decided to expend our energy on the best thing?! What if we took a few minutes every day to picture our best world? Would that propel us toward taking action to make it a reality ?! There are so many great opportunities out there. Could we look at our own special gifts and see how we could use them? Make a ripple, ask and answer, see what happens.
Friday, January 24, 2014
You can learn this the...
easy way or the hard way. I usually end up choosing the hard way. It seems to stick better, but, OUCH! There is, however, another way of learning it, early (easier) rather than late. I guess I secretly wish that maybe some of you could learn things a little sooner than I have. It saves so much wear and tear! Then we have time for the more important things like getting out there and making a ripple. See what happens!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
I'm pretty careful about making New Year resolutions, but I think this one will stick! Every morning b/4 I rise, I stretch for about 2 or 3 minutes. What a difference this makes in my morning and day! Even if it is dark, foggy, and cold, I am awake and warm. So I started thinking about other ways stretching might help. It occurs to me I could stretch just past my comfort zone on a few issues. I already want to stretch my brain more, I love that! But the other thing I want to stretch is my ability to connect with issues important to me by more action than talk. Make a ripple, bend and flex, see what happens.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
'If you make it to first base, don't wish it was a home run!'
Anyone guilty of this? We really short change ourselves by feeling this way. It sets us up to feel we can never quite succeed. I don't think it is all our fault for thinking this way, but I do think it is on us to change our minds about it! What would happen if we celebrated getting to first base?! I know I'd be ecstatic just to be able to hit the ball - even if it was a foul! I say we lighten up and be realistic. (Who knows what we are capable of with practice?) Make a ripple, enjoy the process, see what happens.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The good stuff is already in there!
Yes, we have a lot of work to do, but we can retrieve what we need to be a better human. Just like the clutter that accumulates in your car, or in your mind, a good cleaning will reveal things lost and forgotten. The truth is we all have much more to give and share than we realize. When we can see our true value, we will value those around us. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Make a ripple, dust mindfully, see what happens
Monday, January 20, 2014
He had a dream
We must wake up now and fulfill the dream. Make a ripple, dedicate ourselves to living with intention, see what happens.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Rowing with one oar
There is no better way to: 1)get dizzy, 2)get nowhere. But what if we are headed in a new direction that is important to us? Change is often difficult, and we can procrastinate, which is my favorite thing to do. Or, we can jump in and be scared. It seems like the more scared I am, the more I need to grab that other oar from the floor of the boat. I will make progress, even if I am shaking, but as a very wise woman once told me, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." She had a point! Make a ripple, step through the fear, see what happens.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The challenge
I started this blog the end of October, 2013. It's purpose was to suggest, starting with ourselves, that we do at least one kind act toward another each day. We know that the better we are, the better we can be for each other so here is the 2014 challenge. 1) work on ourselves, 2) pay attention to what is going on around us. If we aren't happy with it- take action to change it. 3) do at least one kind act a day, more if you are able. 4) be grateful for all we have, as I am grateful for you and all my wonderful friends who lift me up and spur me on every day. Make a ripple, your own best ripple, see what happens
Friday, January 17, 2014
Enjoy a good yawn
As you know, every so often I try to interject some "cat wisdom." What I notice most about him is nothing stresses him out, and he always gets what he wants! When he is tired, he naps. When he is hungry, he eats. When he is bored or feeling indifferent, he yawns in my face. He plays when he feels frisky, (not so much at 18) Best of all, you can tell when he's happy, which is most of the time! Make a ripple, stretch and purr, see what happens.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Pulling Threads
I loved my mom with all my heart. She made sure I had everything I needed, love, curiosity about life, appreciation of art and music, and an excellent education. She modeled kindness and sensitivity and unfortunately she was a bigot. She died young and I wonder if that poison killed her. Fortunately, this feeling of hers propelled me in the opposite direction. We never spoke of it. The truth is, we are all part of a beautiful tapestry. Each one a unique, glorious, and irreplaceable thread. Pull even one out and it diminishes and weakens our fabric. Looking at our world, we can see what happens as threads are pulled. It saddens me to think anyone could feel good about doing this. I want to believe if my mom were alive today, her mind would be changed. Make a ripple, honor all diversity, see what happens.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
If everyone likes you, you're doing something wrong.
We're all different. Sure, we may share values and beliefs, but each and every one of us has a wonderfully prismatic personality. That's why we are so fascinating, and also the reason not everyone should or does like everyone else. When I was younger, it used to make me sad if someone didn't like me. But I learned you can't please everyone and still be who you uniquely are. That was a 'load off,' believe me! We can, and should show everyone respect. We should honor their ways and their path. We're all just fumbling around trying to find our best selves. Some of us take lots of detours. Hmmm... sounds like me. At a certain point, if we're lucky, we finally become comfortable in our own skin. Now that's a goal we can all try to reach. Make a ripple, smile in the mirror, see what happens
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Just for your information and only because I never read a blog b/4 I started one, I wanted to let you know that if you scroll down to the end of the page after you read a blog, it will direct you to a "newer" or "older blog." Phew, that was long. I did not know this and one would assume, that what you see is the only blog available. I have written over 70 blogs and some of them are really good. I do my best! Know that there are plenty of things for you to read 'in your spare time' Ha! Please take the time to go back to the end of October if you can. I purposely try to make the daily posts short. You can put me on your desktop if you feel like it! I enjoy comments, too. Thank you for participating in this blog, I appreciate all of you. We are, and will continue to be, making a difference in the world one person at a time. Nothing makes me more happy! Make a ripple, because we all care, see what happens
Persistence pays off
My wonderful friend just got her dream job! She is elated, and I am elated for her. She interviewed so many times, I was getting tired, yet she 'kept on keeping on." My point, whether it is kissing a million frogs, or interviewing til your voice is gone, the reward will always be waiting. Make a ripple, be tenacious, see what happens.
Monday, January 13, 2014
"One of these things is not like the other." (?)
This weekend, I heard plans had been made to auction off a license to kill an endangered black rhino. The money would be used to conserve the endangered black rhino. How could I explain this to a child if I couldn't explain it to myself. The second thing I heard a lot about was the choice being made to delay or not extend unemployment insurance. The reason behind not wanting to do this was to make people go back to work. First, people have to work to be eligible to collect unemployment insurance, and second, people are required to constantly look for work while collecting it. What are people supposed to do with no money coming in at all? I've never been a "have." It feels like a severe inability to relate. So, might I suggest you walk a mile in most of our shoes, with no help. Then let's discuss this pressing issue!
Make a ripple, practice humanity, see what happens.
Make a ripple, practice humanity, see what happens.
Over the years, I have heard "just change your mind." Simplistic isn't it! What I've found to be true, more often than not, is that I can decide to change my mind, then go about my life. At a certain time, like any tipping point,it suddenly becomes easy to change it! It happens from the combination of expecting one thing and being willing to let go of another. That's all the information I can give you, but I'm living proof it can happen. Just like playing with silly putty, you become malleable enough to become what you seek. Make a ripple,become flexible, see what happens.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
TRUE!?? or FALSE??!
I heard a story about a certain group of people who established think tanks over 20 years ago to "condition" people to think a certain way even to their own detriment. The method is called "Orwellian Linguistics," and it is a repetitive loop of information "designed to make lies sound truthful." I wonder if this is true?! Look around, how are we doing? Just in case it is true, I have decided to write my own loop. Love yourself, love other's, be kind, share, be grateful, teach what you know, learn what you don't know, smile, be optimistic, look for the good in everyone and everything every day. Did I mention, be grateful? Make a ripple, feel free to read this loop repeatedly, see what happens.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Celebrate where you are
It is said 'every journey starts with one (small) step.' How comforting it is to know we only have to muster that first step. We aren't often given a pat on the back for beginning something. I say we pat ourselves on the back for our own courage to make things better. Make a ripple, know your worth, see what happens.
Friday, January 10, 2014
"Wherever you go, there you are."
This is an old saying, but it points out the obvious. We might not be happy where we are, but for the most part, we are there, at least partially because of us. I'm not saying life can't beat us up and cause us to make less than desirable choices. Believe me, I've been there more times than I care to remember. At some point, we've got to reach down really deep and ask for help to get out of the hole. We have the ability to do this, all of us. Do you hear me? Make a ripple, make a plan, see what happens.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
"Just saying..."
I have always raised my cats with dogs. I get tolerant dogs and cats who sit for cookies. My 18 year old cat still sits and shakes for cookies. He was raised with a 95 lb. red wolf. They were "besties." All I'm saying is don't ever discount the persons who show up in your life. I personally feel we call who we need. Make a ripple, howl at the moon, see what happens.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Forget Regret
I used to have a friend (?) who was constantly asking me - do you regret this or that decision? For a long time, I allowed myself to feel badly, and somewhat less of a person. I finally remembered that regret fixes nothing. In fact, it wreaks havoc with your life. I believe we are always doing the best we can with what we have. Sometimes we don't have much to work with. That can always be remedied. We can chalk up our bad decisions to being human, forgive ourselves, make amends, and move on! So, I've erased the word "regret" from my vocabulary. I can and always will strive to be better and learn from all my choices. This is, after all, "the earth school." Make a ripple, learn the lesson, see what happens.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
You will be pleased to know that January 6 is the day of the year people are least likely to want to get out of bed. I went with that feeling and didn't leave my house all day. It felt good. But now it's January 7, and we're energized and ready to go again (?) I am fortunate not to be living in the "wintermagedon" that is in the central and eastern US. So, I am thankful for that! Soon, I will be out in the yard looking under the frozen leaves for the gutsy, strong, perennial crocuses who lift me up with the promise of some point. Get your seed catalogue out! We have a way to go yet, but it's coming. Make a ripple, find the grow light, see what happens.
Monday, January 6, 2014
"It's like nailing jello to a tree"
My dear friend was visiting recently. We were talking about life, growth, and how hard it is sometimes to "keep on track." Growing and finding our way is a lot of work. Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to stop, rest, and re evaluate. We need to know there is no time limit to getting where we want to go, just the expectation that we can eventually find our way. The fact is that the journey is the most important part. Who we choose to go along and the knowledge that we have what it takes are essential. Sometimes, though, it's just like "nailing jello to a tree!" But, who among us doesn't have at least one creative bone in our body?! Make a ripple, celebrate the (slippery) journey, see what happens.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Who's your buddy?
Life can be hard, but there is something which can help us survive, a friend. Loyalty is a valuable asset. A person can be loyal to many things, a friend, a favorite business, or family. All these things enrich our lives and we can strengthen our bonds by honoring loyalty. Make a ripple, stand together, see what happens.
The Ripple must start with me
It's the New Year and I am asking myself, what kind of life do I want? How would I like the world to be? We all know it starts with us. So I know we are working hard to be the best humans we can. This takes daily intention and attention. Think of the things that make you happy. When we are happy it is so much easier to look for the goodness out there. Two important things for me, are to be grateful for all I have and to do something, anything, for someone else every day. Make a ripple, be your best self, see what happens.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Skardy Cat
I love my cat with my whole heart, he is so fearless. I absolutely don't love being afraid of things. Being afraid paralyzes me. Then I start making up stories which make it worse than it is. Well, I finally changed my mind about this one. Now I get some information about what I fear and all of a sudden it becomes manageable. I'd like to have the time back I wasted being afraid, I could probably write a book. Oh, I am writing a book! But you get my drift... Make a ripple, find a more fun way to waste time, see what happens.
Friday, January 3, 2014
For those of you who are having summer, I am a little jealous! Disclaimer: I really do not like extremes, but so many dark, cold days in a row have a tendency to put me under a wet blanket. Thank goodness for full-spectrum lights! They are a life saver. (though nothing can replace the sun.) Light is a powerful thing. I believe it changes everything for the better, mood, ability to function, and best of all, if you shine light on something bad, it shrinks. Make a ripple, find your own light, see what happens.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
"Spell my lips"
The same wonderful young woman who coined "Just in the time of Nick," and "double tasking," came up with this "wordism" when she was quite small. It made me smile, and still does. When you think about it, facial expressions can belie what is being said so, as usual, I want to celebrate her wisdom. Wisdom is in everyone. Sometimes it looks and sounds different, but if we are paying attention there are lots of opportunities to learn. Make a ripple, find your own wise person, see what happens.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Here's a word with many meanings. It, like these other words to me, seem negative at first glance. After all, surrender means to give in or give up. Neither of these feel right. But give up or give in to what? Hmmm This is where it gets interesting. In some cases, it might be like throwing off a heavy coat in spring. That's not bad, it's sort of freeing. So what if we surrendered to struggling? What if we give up and give in to the need to have everything be so hard? I'm willing to try it. Are you? Make a ripple, let it go, see what happens.
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