Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Everything we do

and how we do it, matters.  If we feel in a hurry, or do something haphazardly, that is what comes back to us.  It is hard to stay in the moment, and do things with intention.  But with a little practice, it will come.  So, for today, and ongoing, I will practice doing things with the best of intentions.  That means thinking about what I am creating.  That means, thinking about what effect it will have.  If I do something in a big rush, it will not be my best effort.  If I do something when I am harried, it will not be my best effort.  I am going to practice breathing before I do something, because it creates balance.  That is the ripple I want to send through the world.  Please join me.

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