Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

In most places, today is Thanksgiving.  This year, I have decided to go small in light of all that has occurred in the world lately.  Here is my list:  I am grateful for just waking up in the morning, being relatively healthy, having a warm house and power, a car that runs, a mind that still works (most of the time) a sense of humor, my wonderful C@boy and all those who I love and who love me.  This year, I want to celebrate all things, my check engine light went off by itself. My neighbor was not crushed in her car during the wind storm (her car did not fare so well) my dear friend is on her way to pushing cancer out of her once again. I will celebrate C@boy sitting in a ray of sun, and the fact that it is shining.  I want to get down to the ESSENCE of life and be grateful every day for ALL THE WONDERS that take place that I sometimes miss.  I wish for you peace, love, and heat, and that you will join me, EVERY DAY, in an attitude of gratitude.

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