Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Clearing the

air, what a wonderful thing!  We finally got a good cleansing rain last night.  It rained ALL NIGHT.  When I opened the window for C@boy this morning, I could see his little nose twitch at the smell of something clean and crisp.  I envision the areas around where I live, ground wet with fresh rain, and the people breathing a sigh of relief.  I guess clearing the air can be applied to a lot of things.  My grama used to send me outside "to get the stink blown off."  I just thought she wanted to get rid of me. But also, sometimes it is good to get a fresh outlook, a change of mood.  Clearing the air can also apply to straightening out miscommunication with a friend or loved one.  It can be used to re-visit past hurts, and then let them go like so much bad garbage we have been dragging along.  All in all, I think today should be "National Clear the Air Day!"  If it turns into a week, or a month, or a habit, so be it!

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