Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Make time....

for your "inner" work.  I know we all make lists of what we have to do or get.  Heck, I made one yesterday, and promptly left it on my table as I went about my merry way.  Sometimes, I can keep a mental list of what I need to do.  This works on big projects that take me days to do, but I've started to make a list along side of that for that "inner work," too.  I have not been consistent at it for very long, tho I find when I am, the day is much smoother.  Our spirit needs attention just as much as the rest of us, probably more, as I believe it is the engine that drives us.  So, today, give yourself the gift of spending a little "inner" time.  See what happens.

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