Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Patience Pays Off!

Patience....It is not what I am famous for.!  In fact, it is something I am working on ALL THE TIME!!!  But guess what...Success!  A few months ago a dear friend gave me an African Violet plant.  I was excited because it was full of beautiful purple violets (Purple, my very best color!)  So, I watered it and tended it, and soon, all the beautiful violets were gone. :(  My other friend had gotten the same kind of plant, and I would go over to her house and HER plant was covered with the flowers.  Mine was barren!  So I put the plant in a special place where I would see it every day.  I tenderly checked it and watered it judiciously.  I spoke to it of wanting to see those little purple beauties it once had.  Lo and behold, this morning, there are two tiny stems covered with buds.  Two things: never give up, and never give up. You should see my smile today!

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