Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A gentle reminder

Yesterday, I was pretty t'd off by this, but today I will talk about it in a different manner since being mad solves nothing.  I was cut off several times, once, almost hit, by people who think their time is more important than mine.  I am talking about people driving in construction zones.  I would think, by now, that we all know we need to give ourselves extra time to get places because of all the torn up roads.  Now, add to that, hundreds of little children going to school, some of which have not made their good habits of walking where they are supposed to yet.  I know we are all in a hurry, but we need to take a breath, slow downand respect and treat other's the way we want to be treated.  Make a ripple, be the example, see what happens.

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