Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Behind the fan

I woke up during the night because my room was cold!  Cold!  It has been so darn hot here, it has felt like a sauna no matter what fans were going.  So I  re-set the fan to a different temperature and fell back to sleep.  I woke up to hear my neighbor calling her dog, (if you let them out and they always bark, yelling at them does not make them stop!) and the sound of various birds.  It felt good to hear the normal sounds of the morning instead of the sound of the fan.  It made me wonder what it takes to mask other things in life.  What else gets covered up by things going on in life that I am missing?  It is just a thought...  Make a ripple, listen carefully, see what happens.

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